
Personal finance is more important than ever. And starting early gives you the power of compounding, not to mention the chance to design your life!

Many U.S. companies provided pensions to provide retirement income until the 401k investment plan was born around 1980. Since then, employees have had to take more and more responsibility for saving and investing themselves to ensure they have enough in retirement.

Fast forward to today and many are seeking FIRE. FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. By starting early on an intentional path, it is possible to live off the earnings of your investments well before the traditional age of retirement of 60 or later.

Whether you are a high earner or not, FIRE strategies can help you spend, save, and invest to gain freedom in life.

To help you get started, I’ve drafted a quick and dirty personal finance primer you can follow to educate yourself. With some knowledge and a low-risk initial investment, you can gain confidence and set yourself on a path for financial independence. Read more below!

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a financial planner and this is not financial advice. Do your own research and make your own decisions, or follow the advice of a professional.